Should I drive a better car than my boss does?
You are strongly tempted to do it, because you want a lifestyle in line with your value system. You can afford it, maybe with the help of a loan.
Individual circumstances can be different despite the fact that your boss earns more than you do. Maybe s/he looks after aged parents or pays for the education of grown-up children. Maybe you have a double income in the family while your boss does not have it.
Should it really affect the relationship?
I had a female boss once who did not like the fact that I dress well. Another one turned negative after he heard stories about my five-star dinners with my husband.
Ego is always at play. But why should I sacrifice my happiness or lifestyle, because my boss believes in living simply?
A colleague of mine was tactful. He gave his wife the better car, and continued to drive the old one. The more expensive car was always there for their weekend outings, outstation trips and picnics. It was out of the boss’s sight.
It makes sense not to talk about your lifestyle in office, if it is better than that of others. Talk about work, general affairs or mundane household matters.
What matters in the long term is your career growth. You don’t want the lifestyle to come to an abrupt end with negative changes in your career.