About the Author

Ajay Sharma, a global immigration expert, is a business economist & first-generation entrepreneur with four decades of experience. He’s often quoted & featured in major press and has been a columnist for publications like The Economic Times. He is Fondly called AJ.

He likes to contemplate, discuss and write on relationships, gender equality, human rights and diversity with an open mind. He loves life & the joys it has to offer. His two favourite words - Be realistic - have been the motto of his life. He believes that, as much as we may wish it to be, life is not always free of complications. The challenges it throws our way, especially in relationships, must be confronted head-on. Ajay Sharma lives in New Delhi with his wife, two migratory children, and four dogs.

About the Book

A chronicle of contemporary relationships in Flux!
The dynamics of our world are shifting & recalibrating swiftly. Relationships are not immune to these changes, which are punctuated, perhaps most evidently,
in the limited sphere of the family unit.

The narrator, a family member, describes the experience of a communication breakdown between two generations, conflicts arising from ego clashes, infidelity, same-sex relationships, infertility & mental health issues that threaten to tear the family apart. Relationship Mess is a poignant tale of the challenges that can arise and why the idea of the 'ideal' family needs a revisit. It aims to convey that relationships have their own life and
that no perfect relationship exists.

Ultimately, it explores the possibilities of cultivating & nurturing relationships within the often restrictive fabric of societal norms and our expectations from those who hold close.

Author's Note
At the end of every chapter, author's notes provide a third-person perspective & some insights that could be useful for resolving relationship fluctuations.

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About CompatiQuiz

The CompatiQuiz aims to assist individuals in a relationship, whether romantic or otherwise, to evaluate their compatibility. It facilitates the exploration of shared values, ambitions, goals, and beliefs, highlighting areas of agreement and disagreement. Moreover, it encourages meaningful discussions regarding the importance of these factors.